Joining our Tenant Review Hub gives you a chance to have your say from the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you.
It is here to provide your valuable feedback on letters, leaflets, website and other publications, ensuring the content is tenant reader friendly and is easy to understand.
You will also have the opportunity to take part in any communications related reviews of HouseProud and website, for example.
How will the process work?
- Upon request, the Customer Involvement Team will email the panel members with any key documents or links to website pages that need to be reviewed.
- Virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams will only happen if it is deemed more appropriate that we meet as a panel to review any key documents or website content.
- Any meeting would be facilitated by the Engagement and Communications Service Manager, along with an officer from the Communications Team, and any other officer whose service is related to the document or website content being reviewed.
If you're interested in becoming a member of Tenant Review Hub, then please email the Customer Involvement Team at or call us on 01302 862743