Case Breakdown By Type
This chart shows the breakdown of the 1,148 issues reported to us during 2023/24.
Cases By Area
This chart shows the breakdown of cases received by volume across the city.
Timescales To Resolve
This chart shows the timescales in which issues reported to us were resolved. The vast majority were resolved within 3 months of the initial report.
Tools and Powers used
This chart shows the range of tools and powers used by SLHD to resolve ASB issues in 2023/24.
Service Standards
Our service standard for Anti-Social Behaviour reports is to respond to 90% of all high category reports within 24 working hours. For 2023/24 we responded to 93.26% within 24 working hours.
Customer Satisfaction
Satisfaction surveys are completed with each customer when a case ends. Questions are asked around satisfaction relating to how easy it was to contact the team, how helpful our staff were, the quality of the advice and information provided, how well we kept the customer up to date and overall satisfaction. Satisfaction levels amongst those surveyed in 2023/24 was: Ease of Contact – 88% Helpful staff – 86% Quality of advice and info – 90% Kept up to date – 90% Overall satisfaction – 87%