At St Leger Homes, everyone plays a part in being alert to and responding appropriately to abuse and/or neglect related concerns. By working together with customers and other specialised support agencies, we aim to safeguard our communities. 

What is safeguarding?

Safeguarding is about protecting people from abuse, harm, or neglect. Everybody has the right to be safe no matter who they are or what their circumstances.

How does St Leger Homes work to safeguard people from harm and abuse?

Our commitment to Safeguarding children and adults at risk is reflected in our policies and in having our very own Safeguarding Manager and Champions, whose role is to support staff to support you.

We put the individual needs, views and wishes of the person at the centre of safeguarding decisions but we cannot always guarantee confidentiality. If a concern is raised, we may need to share the details with the local authority or other agencies for them to investigate further.

What to do if you have a concern

If you have a concern about a child, young person or adult who is in immediate danger or where a crime has been committed, call 999 immediately.

Below are the links you will need to find out about what we do and who is in the team, along with useful contact numbers for our partner agencies:

If you have a concern that you feel St Leger Homes can assist with, either call or email us on: Tel: 01302 862668 or Email: 


Tel: 01302 734100




Tel: 01302 737391 (option3)



Mental Health

Adults Tel: 01302 566999

Adults Email: 

Childrens Tel: 01302 734100

Childrens Email: 

Domestic Abuse Hub services

Domestic Abuse Hub Services

Tel: 01302 737080


Online self-referral form:
Domestic Abuse Self-Referral Form

Domestic abuse

Domestic abuse can come in many forms from the people we know, including: 

  • Physical and sexual violence
  • Living in fear of further violence
  • Threats of violence or harming children
  • Breaking objects, hurting pets and using abusive language
  • Isolating an individual from family and friends
  • Controlling behaviour, such as access to money or depriving a person of their independence
  • Coercive behaviour, such as frightening, humiliating or intimidating someone.  

If you think you – or someone you know – are a victim of domestic abuse, we will investigate in a sensitive way.

We will support you and ensure confidentiality at all times, work in partnership with relevant agencies and take appropriate action if necessary.  

You may also find support yourself from agencies like: 

Women’s Aid  
National Domestic Abuse Helpline

Get in touch