Earlier this month we launched our new Corporate Plan. This document is like a roadmap that shows how we will keep improving the services we provide for our customers as we move toward 2029.
Our Corporate Plan is split into four main themes – People, Homes, Communities and Partnerships – and this week we are focussing on the final theme, Partnerships.
We know that in all aspects of life we are able to achieve more by joining forces with others and working together. For us this means partnering with customers, City of Doncaster Council, the Police and Fire Services, other social and private landlords and more, to make a difference for those living in our communities.
There are many ways we are doing this - for example through addressing poverty and disadvantage by keeping rents low and homes easier to heat; using local contractors and suppliers where possible to support the local economy; and, tackling climate change through our ways of working and our use of materials.
Our overall aim is to work with others to deliver Doncaster's 'thriving people, places and planet' ambitions.
To find out more, you can visit the Corporate Plan section of our website by clicking here.