Last week we were out in Clay Lane for another Day of Action, where we worked with community groups and local partners to help keep our neighbourhoods looking clean and tidy.
There we met Alex from the Friends of Clay Lane group who was busy organising the popular Clay Lane Gala which took place at the weekend. We carried out a litter-pick, identified some fly-tipping sites and cleared them, and provided a skip to help residents get rid of any unwanted household and garden items. We also visited the gardens of some homes that needed attention to help get them in shape and improve the look of our streets.
Caretakers from St Leger Homes were present on the day, along with members of our Housing and Customer Involvement Teams, Community Officers from City of Doncaster Council and PCSOs from South Yorkshire Police.
This Day of Action is just one part of the work we do to look after our neighbourhoods for tenants. Our Caretakers told us, “There are a few areas on some of our estates where we know there can be issues with people leaving rubbish, so whenever we have a free moment we go and visit them to make sure we are staying on top of it and keeping the area clean for tenants and residents.”
Well done to everyone who got involved!