Freedom of Information Act 2000
Requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 must be made in writing and include your name, postal or email address and details of the information required.
Before you make a request for information, please check whether the information is already available on our website or has already been made public, for example: through our performance pages, our Board reports or City of Doncaster Council's or St Leger Homes’ Publication Scheme or Disclosure Log. Further details regarding these are detailed below.
St Leger Homes is required to provide advice and assistance to people who have made or who are thinking of making a request. This will help applicants understand their rights under the Act and identify the information they want.
The information you require may already be available by other means, however, should you wish to make a Freedom of Information request, you can do so by emailing
You can either ask for a copy of the requested information or to inspect records held. You should expect a response within 20 working days.
If any of the information requested is exempt from release, you will be told which of the exemptions has been relied on to withhold the information and why.
All requests are free however, where the cost of meeting your request is more than the legal limit (currently about 18 hours of working time or £450), we’ll advise you and give you the opportunity to narrow your request.
In other cases, where we have to spend money to give you information, we may ask you to pay this amount.
We will always let you know if there are any costs in meeting your request. You can then decide whether you want to go ahead with your request. If a fee is chargeable, it must be paid before any information is searched for.
If you are not happy with the response you receive, you should first advise St Leger Homes. Details of how to do this will be included in your response.
If you are still unhappy, you may contact the Information Commissioners Office who will decide whether the request has been handled appropriately. For other information about the Act, see the Information Commissioners Office.
Publication Scheme
The Freedom of Information Act requires every public authority to adopt and maintain a publication scheme and to publish information in accordance with the scheme. St Leger Homes’ publication scheme is intended to be a guide to the information which we routinely publish. You can download our Publication Scheme document here to find out more.