Have Your Say!
Help us shape our services and policies by having your say and make a difference to where you live! You can have your say in many different ways, scroll down this page to find out more information so you don’t miss out!
Whether you have a lot of time to give or a little we have lots of opportunities for you to get involved and for your voice to be heard both virtually and in person or by completing a survey via email or text.
Getting involved brings many rewards: you can meet new people, learn new skills, and help us to improve the services you and our customers receive.
To recognise your feedback and to thank you for the positive difference you make, we also offer you the opportunity to receive high street gift vouchers.
You could make a difference by:
Shaping the future of our housing services and policies.
Make your estates cleaner and safer places to live.
Getting your voice heard – we want to hear from tenants across the city from all diverse backgrounds.
Our Service Standards are:
To offer a choice of ways to get involved;
To hold meetings at times and places that are accessible and convenient for you;
- To ask for and listen to your views to help inform the decisions we make and to improve our service;
To consult you and feedback on any key changes we plan to make to our customer facing policies and strategies;
- Provide you with support and training if you wish to be involved so that you are able to play an active role in shaping our services;
- Encourage involvement from our diverse community.
How do I get involved?
There's lots of ways you can get involved and have your voice heard in helping us continue to improve our services for you. For further information about any of the ways shown below to get involved contact: customer.involvement@stlegerhomes.co.uk or phone 01302 862743

Get Involved Group
Whether you have a lot of time to give or a little we have lots of opportunities for you to get involved and for your voice to be heard both virtually and in person or by completing a survey via email or text.

Tenant Scrutiny Panel (TSP)
The Tenant Scrutiny Panel (TSP) is a tenant led scrutiny panel which helps to scrutinise our service and performance.

One Voice Forum (OVF)
Our One Voice Forum is an engagement forum for tenants, St Leger tenant board members and TARA representatives for consultation and discussion on service delivery and key policy changes to make sure tenants can have their say.

Tenant Review Hub
The Tenant Review Hub is a group of tenants that supports St Leger Homes with reviewing and improving tenant communications such as letters, leaflets and the website making them more tenant reader friendly and easier to understand.

High Rise Forum (HRF)
If you live in of our high-rise buildings, you can join our high-rise living forum to let us know your views.

Tenants and Residents Associations (TARAs) and Tenants Clubs
Tenants and Residents Associations (TARAs) and tenants clubs help you improve your community and have a greater say on the issues affecting it.

ED&I Involvement Groups
As a valued tenant of St Leger Homes, we value your input and opinion, especially when it comes to lived experience. That's why we have set up involvement groups for various communities within the business. So, if you have a disability, are from the BAME or LGBTQ+ Community, we'd love for you to be involved.

Estate inspections
Estate inspections, commonly known as estate walks, take place on a regular basis.
These walks are carried out to highlight areas of concern and to make sure that the general appearance of your estate is satisfactory.

Consultations and surveys
As part of our commitment to keep you involved in everything we do, we often hold formal consultations or surveys to get your views on proposed changes.

You Said, We Did!
When you give us feedback, we listen! Find out all the ways you, our tenants, have impacted our services here.

Tenant Celebration Awards
Read about the winners and runners-up from our 2024 Tenant Celebration Awards!

Environmental Pride
We aim to support local community groups that can demonstrate how their projects will be community-led, responds to climate change by improving their local environment, encourages people to be outside and has a lasting impact.

Tenant Voice Strategy
Find out more about how we deliver tenant engagement in our Tenant Voice Strategy, our Tenant Voice Model and our Tenant Voice Charter.
Find out more
We are delighted to say we were successful in gaining the TPAS Accreditation for our work focussing on involving tenants in decision-making and making sure that you, our tenants, are always heard. The accreditation will last until 2025. “Receiving this accreditation from TPAS is a fantastic achievement that clearly demonstrates St Leger Homes’ commitment to serving tenants’ needs and looking after their wellbeing, by listening to the views of tenants and empowering people to shape the housing services they receive. St Leger Homes are helping to build stronger, more confident communities across Doncaster.” – Cllr Glyn Jones, Deputy Mayor & Cabinet Member for Housing & Equalities.
Find out more about TPAS hereGet Involved Flyer
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Contact Us
If you are interested in getting involved to make a difference to our services and where you live or you would like to book one of our halls or for any further information regarding our team and how we can help, please get in touch with us on 01302 862743 or email us on the button below
Email us