Our Modern Slavery Statement sets out what we will do to remove, as far as possible, the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our organisation and in our supply chain.

Slavery can take many forms including, Child Trafficking, Forced Labour, Sexual and Criminal exploitation and Domestic Servitude. Victims found in the UK come from many different countries, including Romania, Albania, Nigeria, Vietnam and the UK itself.

There is no typical victim of slavery – victims can be men, women and children of all ages and cut across the population.  Signs of slavery are often hidden but the following is a list of some common signs which you can be aware of:

  • Physical appearance – victims may show signs of physical or psychological abuse, look malnourished or unkempt, or appear withdrawn.
  • Isolation – victims may rarely be allowed to travel on their own and seem under control.
  • Poor Living Conditions – victims may be living in dirty, cramped or overcrowded accommodation.
  • Few or No Personal effects – victims may have no identification documents, have few personal possessions and always wear the same clothes day in day out.
  • Restricted Freedom of Movement – victims have little opportunity to move freely and may have had their travel documents retained, e.g. passports.
  • Reluctant to Seek Help – victims may avoid eye contact; appear frightened or hesitant to talk to strangers for many reasons such as not knowing who to trust or where to get help, fear of deportation, violence to them or their family. 

If you suspect that someone is a victim of modern slavery report your concerns to:

  • Our Safeguarding Single Point of Contact – 01302 736532
  • South Yorkshire Police – If it’s an emergency always call 999.
  • For non-emergencies, call 101.
  • The Modern Slavery Helpline – 0800 0121 700.

Modern Slavery Statement 2023.24 Signed

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