How do I contact Doncaster Home Choice?

You can contact the Doncaster HomeChoice team on 01302 862862, Monday to Friday from 8.30 am until 5pm. Doncaster HomeChoice is closed on weekends, bank holidays, and the Christmas period.  

The Doncaster HomeChoice email is where you can submit all information, documents or make general queries.

What do I need to provide to support my application for Home Choice?
  • Proof of photo ID
  • Proof of National Insurance Number
  • Proof of address
  • A landlord reference
  • Proof of your local connection to Doncaster for the past three years
  • Proof of dependent children, dated within 12 months  e.g. child benefit, if applicable
  • Proof of immigration, if applicable
  • Armed Forces service record, if applicable
Where should I send my documents to?

Please send any documents to quoting your application reference in the Subject.

You have 28 days to send documents after our request. Failing to return it within this period will result in your application being cancelled.

Why is my account not live yet?

We ask all applicants to be patient with the processing applications. Due to the demand of social houses, we receive over 150 new applications each week. After you apply, and send all the relevant documents to us, we will get in touch with you as soon as we can if we need any more information. Once we verify the documents and award you relevant banding to your situation, we will notify you when your account goes live through e-mail or letter.

Why is my account suspended?

Your account will be automatically suspended once your application is received and processed. It might be that we require documents from you and once we check through them, your account will be made Live. You will be notified of this through e-mail or letter. Make sure you check through your e-mails to minimize the waiting time and provide everything requested within the 28 days.

It might be that your account has been suspended after you have declined one suitable offer in Platinum, or homeless priority banding, or two offers in any other banding. You would have been informed of this through the phone when declining your last offer, and through contact by e-mail or letter. 

If you think none of the above options apply to you, please contact customer services on 01302 862862. 

What is mutual exchange?

Mutual exchange is when two or more council tenants or housing association tenants have a legal right to exchange their tenancies under section 92 of the Housing Act 1985. You can find an exchange on HomeSwapper where you can register directly on their website. You can browse through other properties, find matches that suit your needs, and advertise your home. For more information regarding mutual exchange press here.

What happens if I refuse a property?

If you are in the Platinum band or have a homeless priority in any band you are only eligible for one reasonable offer, so if you refuse it, your application will be suspended for 6 months, and any homeless priority removed, if it was classed as a reasonable offer of accommodation. 

If you are in the Gold, Silver, Bronze band or on the Transfer List and do not have a homeless priority, you are eligible for two reasonable offers, so if you refuse both properties your application will be suspended for 6 months.   

Each case will be looked at individually and assessed as to the reason for the refusal. You will be told in writing and be given the right of review within 28 days of the decision if your priority is removed, or you are suspended. 

I think I'm in a wrong band, what should I do?

Our officers award banding based on the Doncaster Council's Housing Allocation Policy and assess cases on individual basis. Please read through the guide to understand what priority you may have.

Although we appreciate some circumstances might not be listed, it can provide you with an idea of what banding is awarded to individuals in specific circumstances. 

If you disagree, you have the right to have our decision reviewed. This must be done, in writing, within 28 days of the decision and you must send it to You should give the reasons why you disagree with the decision. We may ask you for further information to help us to carry out the review. We will write to you with the outcome. 

What is an Accessible Housing Register (AHR) and direct match?

Some extensively adapted properties will be allocated through the Accessible Housing Register (AHR) by direct match to ensure the customer’s individual requirements are met.

Direct match is where applicants do not have to bid for properties as they will be nominated for offers based on their needs.

These applicants will have had an assessment by an occupational therapist and be placed on the Accessible Housing Register with all the details of their housing requirements. This is to make best use of adapted housing.

Properties under AHR will be advertised on the bidding cycle where it will state priority will be given to applicants under AHR. In such case, even if you come first for a property, you might not be offered it as nominated applicants on AHR have priority.

How and when should I bid?

The bidding cycle is the length of time properties are advertised as being available. Each bidding cycle starts on a Wednesday around 17.00 and ends on a Sunday at 23:59. Bids cannot be accepted outside these times. Do not wait up to bid; the time you bid does not affect your final position as bids are placed in Band Order and effective or registration date and are sorted at the end of the cycle.

You can withdraw or change bids within the bidding cycle and use them on other properties for which you are eligible. You have a maximum of three active bids per week. You don't have to use all of your bids if there isn't many properties you are interested in. Make sure you place bids on those properties you are genuinely interested in as refusing them might result in account suspension. 

How long will it take for me to get a council home?

The majority of family houses are currently being let to applicants in the highest platinum and gold bands. In particular, we have a low turnover of properties to re-let to young people so only those in highest priority will be successful for more desirable properties. 

No-one can give a precise time on how long it will take for applicants to secure a house. The processing of applications and attaining relevant information can take time in itself. Once active and bidding, those in priority banding (Platinum, Gold, Silver) will be prioritised over any other applicants, and priority will also be given to those with an earlier application, and registration date. When bidding on certain properties, priority will also be given to those with the most medical needs needing adapted properties (under accessible housing register) or those fitting the age group.   

Once you start bidding you can log into your account each Monday and see your final bidding position. If your final bidding position is a high number, e.g., 30, it is very unlikely that you will be reached for a property as people before you will have more priority.

The more you restrict yourself on the area, or the property type, e.g. house not a flat, the longer it will take longer for you to secure a tenancy.  

If you decline any offers, this might also prolong the process. 

You must ensure you keep all your details up to date as if you are offered a property, and the details are incorrect you might not be eligible for the offer anymore once we call you after being successful. 

I am under 18, can I still apply for re-housing?

You are not eligible to join the Housing Register if you are under 16. However if you are between 16 and 18 you may qualify in certain circumstances and will need a guarantor. This means someone aged over 18 who will take responsibility for paying your rent if you are unable to pay. If you are a care leaver you will be supported by Children’s Services. 

Where can I see my bidding position?

You will be able to see what position you came for a property after each bidding cycle closes (Monday to Wednesday 5pm). 

You can do so by logging into your account on the portal, and clicking into 'Available Housing' tab. 

What is an accompanied viewing?

An accompanied viewing is where one of our officers will join you on the viewing for a property you were made an offer for. They will show you around the property, and make sure you are happy with it. If the property is ready to let, and you are happy to sign up, you can do it there and then. If you require more time, you will get 24 hours to decide and contact HomeChoice to inform them of your decision.  

If you have medical issues, and have been assessed as needing an adapted property, the occupational therapist will also be present at the accompanied viewing.  

What is a ‘reasonable’ offer of accommodation?

A reasonable offer means that it meets any relevant housing needs, for example, an offer can still be reasonable if it is not in your preferred area or location or does not have the number of bedrooms you want, as this is not a housing need unless other circumstances apply. 

When deciding if an offer is reasonable, we will consider households needs and circumstances, such as:

  • Ability to give or receive care, travel to your job or education or access to essential support 

  • Assessed medical needs where a specific type of property is required 

What are registration and effective dates?

Registration and effective dates are important because they give you priority within your band. If you have been placed in the Bronze, General or Transfer List you will bid using your registration date. If you have been placed into our priority bands of Platinum, Gold or Silver bands, you will receive an effective date and this will be the date you became entitled to the priority. If you move back to the Bronze, General or Transfer Band you will bid using your original registration date. Customers with earlier registration and effective dates will be offered properties before customers with later dates. 

How will I know if I have been successful?

If you are successful, we will contact you to check your details are correct and then offer you the property if you are still eligible and qualify for the offer. You will not be considered for any other properties until you have decided on the offer; you will not be able to bid if you accept an offer. If you do not respond to us or cannot make yourself available to attend a viewing, we will move on to the next customer. 

If you are unsuccessful, you will not be contacted. 

I have arrears, can I apply?

Applicants with arrears of 8 weeks or less can apply to join the housing register.  You should have a repayment plan in place to reduce/clear your arrears.  

Applicants with arrears of more than 8 weeks do not qualify to join the housing register.  Individual circumstances will be reviewed for applicants who have been assessed as homeless or St Leger Homes tenants who are downsizing where the property is unaffordable.

What is the difference between HomeChoice and Housing Options?

Whilst both Doncaster HomeChoice and Housing Options operate under St Leger Homes, they are two different teams.

Housing Options support individuals who are facing, or are under the threat, of homelessness. They might provide temporary accommodation depending on your circumstances, and help with finding alternative housing solutions like private rent or supported accommodation.

HomeChoice is a choice based letting scheme, where council and housing association properties are advertised and allocated through the council bidding list.