Engaging with our teams

Customers’ needs are at the heart of everything we do at St Leger Homes. Our staff are here to help and support with any issues that you may be facing.

When we meet customers face-to-face, talk with you on the phone or engage on social media, the vast majority of the time people are calm and reasonable – even when they are telling us about a problem they are having.  

A minority of customers however, who may be having a problem with our services, or  those who just wish to comment on our services, don’t always treat our staff with respect and can make comments that are both offensive to us and offensive to other members of the public, particularly on social media.

This page sets out acceptable usage guidance that we expect anyone who engages with us to follow when engaging with us using social media. 

Social media

St Leger Homes publishes content on various social media accounts; on Facebook, X and LinkedIn.

We’d love you to follow us on these accounts – they are there to provide information and advice to our tenants, wider customers and partners and we understand that you may have views on the content we publish; we welcome these. Our only ask is that any comments are helpful and constructive.  

Sadly, this is not always the case, so we have set out some ground rules below that we are asking all tenants and anyone who responds to us to follow when engaging with our social media accounts.

We will  take immediate action on our accounts if content in any format (comments, videos, images, GIFs, attachments, links, emojis) is:

  • any form of cyber bullying or online abuse;
  • defamatory or misleading or false – defamation in law means a statement that lowers the reputation of a person or organisation in the eyes of a reasonable person;
  • abusive or threatening – this includes swearing or adapted spellings with the same meaning;
  • intimidatory towards our staff, elected members or other platform users;
  • inciting hate crime or hate crime words;
  • obscene, profane or sexually oriented;
  • discriminatory in any way;
  • promoting illegal activity;
  • promoting individual products or services;
  • the same message posted multiple times, otherwise known as 'spamming';
  • controversial, irrelevant and off topic, otherwise known as 'trolling';
  • private or identifying information about a particular individual, typically posted with malicious intent, otherwise known as doxing;
What action we will take
  • If content relates to the list above, we may hide or delete it.
  • In consultation with the Service Manager, we may also respond publicly to your content and via direct message asking you to remove it immediately.
  • If you do not act, we may block your access to our social media accounts. We’ll tell you that we’re doing this.
  • Depending on the content, we will also screenshot the posts and consider legal action or sending them on to the police for investigation and/or, we will take immediate action to delete the post and block your access to our accounts.
  • If your comment contains any derogatory, abusive or foul language, it may be automatically hidden by our profanity filter.


We always aim to respond or acknowledge messages on social media within one working day.

We will not be able to respond to questions or complaints outside of these hours, even if we are posting from our accounts.

You should not rely on a social media platform itself to raise concerns, you are welcome to contact us through our website if you want to make a comment, complaint or compliment, using our Contact Form or call us on 01302 862862. 

While we will actively monitor our platforms, if you notice any offensive comments on our sites at any time, please send us a private message and let us know.

Where we consider comments to be a hate crime we will also refer the matter to the Police.