Emergency contacts

  • To report an emergency repair phone 01302 862862. 
  • For Noise Nuisance phone 01302 341628.
  • For the Neighbourhood Response Team phone 01302 341 628. 
  • To report issues of anti-social behaviour contact South Yorkshire Police on 101 or 999 for emergency issues where there is a risk to life.
  • If you are homeless or think that you are going to become homeless you should contact us on 01302 736000 during the office hours of 8.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday, outside office hours you should contact 01302 737199.

Hard of Hearing (text service only):

Between the hours of 8am-7pm, Monday to Friday, text 07799477252. 

Outside of these hours, during Bank Holidays and weekends, text 07929080056 to our out of hours emergency repairs service to report an emergency repair only. You will receive a text back to acknowledge receipt of your text.