How do I make a payment?
Payments can be made by Direct Debit, online (select Housing Rents), at the Post Office, at a PayPoint shop and by telephone. Please refer to our Pay Rent page for further information.
If you make a payment in person you will receive a receipt. Please keep these safe and make sure you pay the correct amount.
How will I know how much rent to pay?
We will send you a letter in March each year to tell you how much your rent will be for the year ahead, starting in April. The letter will also show you how your rent has been calculated. See our page on How is my Rent Calculated.
Are there any rent free weeks?
There are no rent free weeks. You are charged rent over 52 weeks, sometimes 53 weeks depending on the number of Mondays in a year.
What is my rent used for?
Your weekly rent covers the cost of providing you with your home and our services including repairs and maintenance, lettings and allocations, rent recovery and estate maintenance.
When will I receive a Rent Statement?
You will be sent a rent statement in the post once a year. Should you require a statement at any other time then please call us on 01302 862862.
Can I view my Rent Account online?
Yes - once you have registered for My Access, you will be able to:
check your rent account
report repairs
update your personal details
What can I do if I think there is a mistake on my Rent Account?
If you think there has been a mistake on your rent account please contact us on 01302862862 and we will be happy to check your account. You may be asked to provide receipts for any payments you have made so these can be checked against your account.
How do I claim Universal Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support?
If you are working age you may be entitled to Universal Credit which also includes Housing Costs (help with rent).
You will need to make a separate claim for Council Tax Support which can be done on the Doncaster Council's website.
If you are pension age and on a low income, you may be entitled to Pension Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support. You can claim Pension Credit by calling 0800 99 1234. Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support can be claimed online at the Doncaster Council's website.
Do not delay in claiming benefits as it could reduce the amount you receive.
What happens in a joint tenancy if one tenant leaves?
As joint tenants you are both responsible for the rent. If one leaves, the remaining tenant must pay the rent in full. Let us know immediately when a joint tenant leaves.
What happens if I don't pay my rent?
As a tenant of St. Leger Homes, we expect you to pay your rent and other charges every week. If you are struggling to pay we will do all we can to advise you and agree to a manageable payment arrangement.
If you do not keep to the arrangement then you will be served with a 'Notice of Seeking Possession' for breach of your Tenancy Agreement.
If you still fail to pay your rent we will apply to County Court for possession of your home. If you go to court:
you will have to pay costs of at least £355
you could be evicted from your home
If you are evicted:
you will still have to pay the debt
you may be considered as being 'intentionally homeless' so will not be rehoused by us or any other council or housing association
Remember don’t ignore the problem - we can help. Contact us on 01302 862862 (option 2) and ask to speak to an Income Management Officer.