We are carrying out a review of our Secure Tenancy Agreement to make sure that this important document meets the needs of our tenants and communities.
Our Tenancy Agreement is a contract that sets out the responsibilities that each tenant has, and City of Doncaster Council’s responsibilities to you as your landlord.
Every tenant should have received this document through the post titled Preliminary Notice of Variation.
Please note this is nothing to worry about and will not affect your tenancy rights or status. It is for consultation purposes only with the intention of advising you of the proposed changes.
Consulting with tenants to get their views and opinions on the agreement is a critical part of the review process, so we would really appreciate it if you can take a few minutes to have a look at the survey and tell us what you think.
You can join in the Tenancy Agreement consultation by filling in the survey form found here.
You can also send any comments you may have about our Tenancy Agreement to us at SLHDtenancyagreementreview@stlegerhomes.co.uk
Or you can call 01302 862862. You will be added to the list for someone to call you back and discuss your feedback.
*Please note that you must be a St Leger Homes tenant to take part in this consultation.