Improve your home's energy efficiency - we need you!

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We need you!

We are working in partnership with City of Doncaster Council to deliver a pilot scheme of home improvements for a group of tenants.

The improvements will differ depending on your property but could include cavity or external wall insulation, low carbon heating and new windows or doors.

This pilot scheme will see your home’s energy usage and temperature monitored before and after the works to look at the success of the changes to your property.


We are looking for tenants to volunteer if your home meets any of the following:

  • Energy rated EPC D or below
  • Homes with children under the age of 18
  • Homes with more 3 or more occupants
  • Terraced properties or a block of semidetached homes
  • Solid wall properties
  • Have neighbouring SLHD properties with tenants who are also interested

So, do you:

  • Want to reduce your long term energy bills?
  • Want to reduce your risk of Damp and Mould?
  • Want your home to be easier to heat in the winter?
  • Want your home to be capable of dealing with future weather changes?

Get in touch!

If you meet any of the criteria and are interested in participating in the trial project, please email our Asset Management Team at by no later than 21 June 2024.

Please mark your email ‘Gainshare’, and include your name, address and contact telephone number.

A member of our team will then call you back to discuss the project in more detail.