We’ve been out on the Edlington Royal Estate for a Day of Action where we helped tenants and residents tidy up the local area.
Skips were available so people could have larger unwanted household items or rubbish from their garden taken away. People were pleased to see us and many took the opportunity to have a clear out, with everything from pieces of wood to empty gas bottles and broken freezers collected.
This was the third time in recent months that we have held a Day of Action in Edlington. St Leger Homes Estate Caretakers and local Housing Officers took part along with partners from City of Doncaster Council’s Public Health Team and Communities Team; Well Doncaster; Street Scene and Community Payback Teams were litter picking; and South Yorkshire Police were there to support as well. All in all it was a great group effort that will hopefully help make a difference for people living in the area.
Our next Day of Action will be in Rossington in early January 2024 – keep an eye on our social media pages and website for more information coming soon.